Improving access to safe drinking water and hygiene knowledge for two sub-districts in Taiz governorate

Activity: Conducting 3 days training course for 20 volunteers in the two sub-districts:   Organize and conduct a training workshop for 20 community volunteers from each sub-district on; the mechanism of conducting awareness sessions and disseminating health messages. The messages will focus on the importance of rationalizing water use, personal hygiene, preventing the spread of the (Covid-19), the cholera epidemic, and dengue fever. The workshop will take place for four days for each sub-district group, whereas trainees thereof will be selected and consist of:

Six teachers.
Four mosque preachers.
Four activists through social media.
Six health workers.
After training, the teachers will convey the awareness message through the activities inside and outside the schools. The mosque preachers will deliver the awareness message while preaching in the mosques and the activists through mobile phones. Finally, the health workers will do the same by conducting personal interviews and sessions, which will be attended by the service seekers and the other services provided by the health facilities. ROC will select the brochures from UNICEF and WHO publications on hygiene promotion, COVID-19, and Cholera. The volunteers will distribute the leaflets. Team will distribute the brochures and disseminate the health messages though an intensive five-days awareness campaigns targeted all the beneficiaries in the two subdistricts.